Dutch vs. US Taxes: The TRUTH
Dutch vs. US Taxes: The TRUTH
お台場噴水事業などで質疑…「税金の無駄遣い」と批判も 都議会予算特別委
国会議員の給料明細が公開され大炎上!税金わずか約2,000円の実態が発覚【ゆっくり解説】#自民党 #給料公開 #国会議員
これが税金地獄日本の実態 #財務省 #貧困 #井川意高
【ひろゆき】税金はまともな日本人からではなく 外国人と犯罪者から取るようにしたほうがいい #ひろゆき切り抜き #論破 #切り抜き #ひろゆき切り抜き #論破 #切り抜き #名言 #ビジネス
税金の無駄遣い自民盗・ザイム真理教‼️#自民党 #財務省 #財務省デモ #税金の無駄遣い #税金 #増税 #拡散希望
【財務省vs税金泥棒疑獄】昭和電工事件と官僚汚職の闇 #歴史 #所得税 #雑学 #文化 #日本 #お金 VOICEVOX:青山龍星
I guess this is fine as a general statement, but that 18% isn’t actually income taxes.
People ignore this(it’s clearly stated on their pay slip), but most of us barely pay income taxes. Instead, most of what they pay are insurance premiums for retirement, unemployment, sick pay, etc..). Those are government mandated, so maybe it’s a distinction with little difference, but it’s not accurate to call them “income tax” and it’s pretty easy to see where that money is spent.
It’d be interesting to see what happens if you include all taxes(e.g. VAT) into the overall picture. I do think the conclusion is correct: you almost cannot put a price on the sense of security that all those safety nets provide (even if we still complain about the cost, we don’t really want them gone).
Netherlands is a good country for those who earn little, since the government aids them so much. How does the government aid them? Well by taxing those who actually have ambitions and want to make something of their life. It’s quite sad seeing intelligent people and ambitious people stepping down since it’s not worth it, because they would get taxed heavily the more they earn. Think of all the benefits this country could get if people were actually incentivized to work. I think US is a much better place for those with high income jobs.
Its NOT a myth, not for the Dutch anyway, its way higher overall even.
The months you get per year has been adjusted. It’s now 1 month salary per 3 years.. not per year. Also box3 wealth tax is insanely high. Don’t forget that you also pay huge tax on water electricity cars fuel etc.
There’s a honestly shocking amount of Dutch people in the comments here, who don’t seem to understand our own tax system…
and dont forget abouth working hours most times its better to work 36 hours then 40 and you will have more money at the end with 36 hours of work then the 40.when doing the 36 hour work week you dont pay as much taxes so most people dont want to work 40h any more
What if I told you David Wen, that people have absolutely NO idea how our government farms taxes, but keeps that 21% BTW number the same. Never noticed how inflation is happening in area’s that aren’t actually affected that much? How we have products we sell, that are taxed about 90%? How you can own a car, but have to pay extra tax to actually drive it, because it isn’t included into your regular tax.
The scheme in the Netherlands, is that way pay taxes on every front of existence, and a lot of “taxes” are also just hidden in prices most people aren’t even aware of. In fact, if you’d strip all these taxes, you’ll realize that in total, you pay way more than 50% taxes.
But… you don’t notice it, because the scheme is right in front of you, and it it says 21%, it must be 21%.
It is not.
Here is my 2 cents.. Taxation is build upon a Philosophy. I.e. either you look at what you as a government want to do for your people to make their lives more happy and budget that money through taxation. Or you believe that people can make their own happiness and arrange nothing or only the minimal for them, leaving it up to the individual. Now if I look at the US and think that 1% owns more of the wealth, than the other 99% combined, than, in my eyes, something is wrong. Like the American dream with the myth that as an hardworking person you can become wealthy and happy, because if that is true than the richest and happiest people on earth would be black women in Africa. In the US the worth of a person is determined by his bank account, if someone is rich, he must be right and clever, to many idiots to proof my point. Which is so weird a philosophy coming from a country that sees themselves as ‘Christians’ never realizing that Jezus likely didn’t own a penny but depended on charity of others. In other words.. I am currently so disappointed in America that any comparison is moot..
You made a huge mistake, we don’t only have taxes we also have Income tax or payroll tax depending on your kind of work.
Then we have the normal tax we pay over all goods but those are 2, you got tax and you got accijns (excise duty)…
Everything that has sugar in it has a accijns price on it which fluctuate between €0.10 cent and €1.20 for every bottle sold.
When you pay €2.70 for a bottle of coca cola you pay €1.20 in accijns + sugar tax €0.10 + normal tax €0.60 meaning a bottle without tax is €0.80 cents
It is not strange that a person who has not been born here doesn’t understand it, but mate our tax is 80% on most goods.
And then we even got outliers like cigarettes where the tax is 95%, the truth is amuricans have it way better by default.